Fitbit Zip Set Up Instructions

By Gavin | August 27, 2018

I'm the energy balance nutrition consulting, today I'd like to tell you a little bit about the Fitbit zip, the Fitbit zip is an accelerometer that can be worn on your belt or in your pocket, it will provide you with information, such as the number of steps that you've taken, the distance that you've traveled or the number of calories that you burn, each of these measurements can be accessed on the Fitbit by simply tapping on the touchscreen of all these measurements.

I find that the number of steps taken to be the most useful information, with the Fitbit zip software that you're going to download as part of the package, it'll provide you with fancy graphs, you don't have to make these graphs, it will make these graphs for you, so here's an example of the number of steps in a day, so you can see here I have a week of steps, and on Sunday and Wednesday, I didn't do so well, and what this allows me to do is to think back to Sunday and Wednesday, and to think back to what I did on those two days, and to troubleshoot, and make an action plan of how to get more steps in.

If I have similar days to Sunday and Wednesday, so this data is pretty cool, so where can I get one of these, you can drive to a physical location, such as Best Buy, or you can click on the link within this webpage, or click on a Fitbit picture within this webpage, if you click on the link or on a picture, it's going to take you to an external website, in which you'll be able to purchase your Fitbit zip, when you get your Fitbit zip, it's going to look something like this, it's going to come in this type of package, and on the left where you can see the Fitbit zip package, the middle picture that you see there, if you open up the bottom of the box, you see that there is a little insert that says important, and so these will be the instructions to set up your Fitbit zip, and we can go over there.

On the right hand side, if you remove that insert you can see that you have a little jacket for the Fitbit zip as well as what looks like a little US beef, you'll use this little USB in order to wirelessly transfer the data from your Fitbit zip on your computer, but before we do that we need to set up the Fitbit zip, so if you go to what's on that insert of, you'll be able to set up your Fitbit device, if you look at the bottom of this post, the first option is first choose your computer type, in this case mine is Mac, so I'll leave it there, next, you'll click on download here, if you then look in your downloads folder, you should see a screen that looks something like this, you need to double click install a Fitbit connect, when you double click that another screen will appear, welcome to the Fitbit connect installer, so this will guide you through the necessary steps in order to install the software on your computer.

In order to transfer the data from your Fitbit onto your computer, you'll need to plug in the USB dongle into the USB Drive of your computer, the Fitbit will now be able to wirelessly communicate with your computer, if you look in the bottom left-hand picture of this post, you can see that there's the Fitbit diamond or the Fitbit logo, you need to click on that little Fitbit logo, and then in the bottom right you'll see that there is a drop down, and you'll click sync now, so the Fitbit will wirelessly send that information to your computer, you can then click go to the dashboard.

When you go to the dashboard you can see all kinds of interesting information, you can see the number of steps you've taken that day, the number of calories, and there's also many more features that aren't shown here, what I'd like to show you is the upper-right panel, I have steps displayed for the past 28 days, now your Fitbit will only tell you the steps for that day, but what you can do? You can look at a week, you can look at two weeks, you can look at a month's worth of data, and from this you can tell whether or not you've been naughty or nice, you can see which days you've completed your goals and which days you have not.

The key here is to detect patterns in your own data, and you can check the pattern, you can say a thing on Wednesday and Thursdays, I don't get very many steps in, how am I going to remedy that regardless of how you do it? The important thing is that you recognize those days where you don't get quite as many steps in, and the game plan to get more steps in, so make Fitbit part of your day, put it next to your wallet, your cell phone, and your keys, and take a step in the right direction in a positive direction towards better health.